Al Jolson Home Page|His Works|Radio|30 Sep 48 KMH with Judy Garland

Al Jolson's experience with radio began in the dawn of the medium, and continued until the birth of television, and his death. He started the Kraft Music Hall, along with programs for Lifebuoy Soap, Colgate Tooth Powder, and Chevrolet, and died while waiting to go on to Bing Crosby's Chesterfield program. Here is another full length radio program for your enjoyment.

Judy Garland and Al Jolson
Judy Garland and Al Jolson
This opening program of the second season of the Jolson Kraft Music Hall was originally broadcast on Thursday, September 30, 1948. The guest star was the woman often described as a "female Al Jolson," Judy Garland.

After a unique second season opening, including a reference to the making of "Jolson Sings Again," Jolson opened the program with a wonderful rendition of a song from that picture, "Is It True What They Say About Dixie?"

Ken Carpenter joined Jolie looking at possible changes in the Music Hall for the 1948 season. Mr. Levant presented himself as a new person as well, and performed a Tchaikovsky piece, the Piano Concerto No. 1, in B flat Minor.

Next comes the cheese commercial you have been waiting all summer to hear. After the commercial, Al plays up to Oscar, and the result is a series of short songs. Sit back and enjoy Jolie's versions of "Poor Butterfly," "All Alone," and a full hot version of "When The Red, Red Robin Starts Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along."

Another Kraft commercial with a yummy recipe follows. Then, fresh from her success in the movie Easter Parade, comes Judy Garland. Wait until you hear her give out with a rendition of "Johnny One Note."

Jolson and Garland then joined voices in the prettiest "Pretty Baby" you've ever heard.

After a final Kraft commercial, Al Jolson presents a song he calls "Irving Berlin's greatest song, 'When I Lost You.'" Unfortunately, the engineer may not have thought so, as the last few notes were cut off for the NBC sign off and chimes.

Listen to this radio program and watch a Video Podcast with an excerpt of the show illustrated with photos of the stars.

Click this link to listen to
this week's program

     This is an excerpt of the 30 Sep 1948 Kraft Music Hall starring Al Jolson with guest star Judy Garland. This edited excerpt includes a great rendition of "When The Red, Red, Robin Comes Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along," a comdedy segment with Al Jolson , Judy Garland, and Oscar Levant, and a duet with Al Jolson and Judy Garland in "Pretty Baby." Seeing Al Jolson and Judy Garland from the time of the broadcast enhances the presentation.

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This listing and material Copyright © 1995-2024 Marc I. Leavey, M.D. Baltimore, Maryland
Updated 29 Sep 24