Al Jolson Home Page|His Works|Radio|03 Jun 48 KMH with Ezio Pinza

Al Jolson's experience with radio began in the dawn of the medium, and continued until the birth of television, and his death. He started the Kraft Music Hall, along with programs for Lifebuoy Soap, Colgate Tooth Powder, and Chevrolet, and died while waiting to go on to Bing Crosby's Chesterfield program. Here is another full length radio program for your enjoyment.

Ezio Pinza and Al Jolson
Ezio Pinza and Al Jolson

Opera star Ezio Pinza was the guest on the Kraft Music Hall broadcast of June 3, 1948, upon its return to Hollywood. Along with the return to California comes the return to hi-fi!

Listen closely to Jolson's opening bars of "April Showers," where he interjected, "Pinza, huh?" as a little commentary. One only can wonder what went on during the warm up. He then dived into a spirited rendition of "When The Red, Red, Robin Starts Bob, Bob, Bobbin' Along." After the song, Levant and Jolson compared plane and train travel. Levant concluded with a Rachmaninoff Piano Variation.

Ken Carpenter returned, trying to explain Miracle Whip. Levant then congratulated Jolie on receiving a "Service To Humanity" award. One wonders what became of that award citation. Turning the tables musically, Jolson sang "At Sundown." After some mangling of both English and musical terminology, Jolson sang the classic song from Roberta, "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes." Jolson concluded the segment with a full orchestral rendition of "I'm Crying Just For You."

The next skit portrayed Jolson and Levant going to a restaurant, and running into Ezio Pinza, who compares voice ranges with Jolie. I'll let you listen for yourself! Anyway, Mr. Pinza sings an excerpt from the Marriage of Figaro. Even Jolson appreciated this magnificant voice. Of course, the segment ends with the fruition of the skit, with Al, Oscar, and Ezio in an Italian Restaurant. Somehow, kreplach and matzo ball soup work their way into the script!

After another reminder about "lively, teasing Miracle Whip," is there some inuendo in there, Jolson closed this week's program with another love song, "Marquita."

Listen to this radio program and watch a Video Podcast with an excerpt of the show illustrated with photos of the stars.

Click this link to listen to
this week's program

     This is an excerpt of the 03 Jun 1948 broadcast of the Kraft Music Hall, starring Al Jolson. The guest star this week was Ezio Pinza, but this segment is an edited excerpt of the Jolson - Levant segment from the middle of the program. It begins with a recognition of Jolson's receiving an award for service to humanity. His songs include "At Sundown," and "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes," part of his service to posterity. With songs like this, the photos are icing on the cake.

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This listing and material Copyright © 1995-2024 Marc I. Leavey, M.D. Baltimore, Maryland
Updated 02 Jun 24