Al Jolson Home Page|His Works|Radio|20 May 48 KMH with Henry Morgan

Al Jolson's experience with radio began in the dawn of the medium, and continued until the birth of television, and his death. He started the Kraft Music Hall, along with programs for Lifebuoy Soap, Colgate Tooth Powder, and Chevrolet, and died while waiting to go on to Bing Crosby's Chesterfield program. Here is another full length radio program for your enjoyment.

Al Jolson and Henry Morgan
Al Jolson and Henry Morgan

The ascerbic wit of Henry Morgan, radio personality and frequent television game show guest, joined Al Jolson and Oscar Levant in this Kraft Music Hall broadcast of Thursday, May 20, 1948. This continues the series of broadcasts from New York's Radio City Music Hall. Mr. Morgan, by the way, should not be confused with Harry Morgan, best known as Col. Potter from "M*A*S*H"; although the latter Mr. Morgan sometime went by the name "Henry," these were two very different people.

Jolson opened the show waxing nostalglc about New York, with this being the last show broadcast from Radio City. He then let out with a song that just typifies the World's Greatest Entertainer, "Toot, Toot, Tootsie (Goo'Bye)." After the usual Oscar-foolery with Mr. Levant, Oscar graces us with a Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto.

Following Ken Carpenter's words from Kraft, Jolson gives us another signature song, "You Made Me Love You." Love turns to discussions of courtship, and Jolson and Levant then proceed to do a musical montage of eight bar clips of various songs about boys and girls. Jolie concludes this set with another love song, "Someone Else May Be There While I'm Gone."

Mr. Morgan then enters the show, in the personna of a music critic. He and Jolson engage in some verbal sparring, with Morgan playing the all knowing expert and Jolson the buffoon. It was the kind of writing Jolson must have resisted, but that was popular with writers and audiences.

Jolson closed the program with a ballad suggestive of holding his baby son in his arms, "Nearest Thing To Heaven."

Listen to this radio program and watch a Video Podcast with an excerpt of the show illustrated with photos of the stars.

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this week's program

     This is an excerpt of the 20 May 1948 broadcast of the Kraft Music Hall, starring Al Jolson. The guest star this week was Henry Morgan, but this segment is an edited excerpt of the Jolson - Levant segment from the middle of the program. This segment could be called "You Made Me Love You," as that is the first song. What follows is an assortment of songs keyed to love and relationships that only Jolson could get away with. Many of these are unique to this broadcast. You'll love the songs and the photos, I am sure.

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This listing and material Copyright © 1995-2024 Marc I. Leavey, M.D. Baltimore, Maryland
Updated 19 May 24