Al Jolson Home Page|His Works|Radio|24 Aug 35 Shell Chateau

Al Jolson's experience with radio began in the dawn of the medium, and continued until the birth of television, and his death. He started the Kraft Music Hall, along with programs for Lifebuoy Soap, Colgate Tooth Powder, and Chevrolet, and died while waiting to go on to Bing Crosby's Chesterfield program. On this page, I will be featuring radio programs for your enjoyment.

From April, 1935, through March, 1936, Al Jolson starred in the Shell Chateau, broadcast on Saturday nights over the NBC Red Network. There were 39 one hour broadcasts, only a few of which survive.
Roscoe Turner and Al Jolson on the Shell Chateau
Roscoe Turner and Al Jolson
24 August 1935
Roscoe Turner, Al Jolson and Delores Del Rio
Roscoe Turner, Al Jolson
and Delores Del Rio
24 August 1935
Roscoe Turner and Roscoe Ates
Roscoe Turner and Roscoe Ates
24 August 1935
Roscoe Turner, Victor Young and Roscoe Ates
Roscoe Turner, Victor Young and Roscoe Ates
24 August 1935
Roscoe Turner, Delores Del Rio and Victor Young
Roscoe Turner, Delores Del Rio
and Victor Young
24 August 1935
Marjorie Keeler
Marjorie Keeler
24 August 1935

From Saturday night, August 24, 1935, enjoy the Al Jolson Shell Chateau program, with guests Colonel Roscoe Turner, Marjorie Keeler, Roscoe Ates, and Dolores Del Rio. The orchestra was conducted by Victor Young, and Jack Stanton and Peggy Gardiner continued as regular featured players.

As with all programs of this series, the fidelity of this program leaves much to be desired. We can just be glad we have the opportunity to listen to Al Jolson on the radio in the mid-1930s. Jolie opened this program with the "Good Evening, Friends" that was his custom at the time. After the opening, Jolson introduced the guests for the evening, with a few choice jokes directed at each one of them.

Next, with the obvious introduction, Jolson sang "I Feel A Song Coming On." It's a great song for Jolson, one only wishes he had recorded it commercially.

Al Jolson's first guest was Colonel Roscoe Turner. A favorite in the new sport of Air Racing, Turner had participated in and won a number of races, including the Shell Speed Dashes -- do I sense some commercialism in his appearance? You can read more about the Colonel if you are interested, on the National Aviation Hall Of Fame website.

Regulars Jack Stanton and Peggy Gardiner entertained after the commercial with the song, "Only A Rose."

With a big build up, Jolson introduced Ruby Keeler's 15 year old sister, Marjorie Keeler, for her radio debut. She even sounds a bit like Ruby as she sings the song "You're An Eyeful of Heaven." Allowing as how "You ain't heard nothin' yet" Jolson then has Marjorie demonstrate that which made the family famous. Tap dancing on the radio! Well, it sounds good.

On the June 29th program, Jolson sang "Oh! Susanna." Apparently the reviews were good enough that he reprised it on this show. Understand, this was four years before the making of the movie "Swanee River," in which Jolson sang a number of Stephen Foster's songs. This is a great rendition of the classic song.

After another commercial, Victor Young leads the orchestra in a medley of Irving Berlin numbers.

We all know that political correctness has taken its toll of Al Jolson, with the "problem" of blackface. Can you imagine how well the next guest would go over today? Comedian Roscoe Ates made a career of stuttering. Enjoy this comedy in the style of the day. Ates, by the way, went on to appear in many movies, including playing a convalescing soldier in "Gone With The Wind"!

Jolson then had a third number in this program, "Isn't It A Lovely Day." Yes, Al, it certainly was!

The final guest of the evening was the beautiful Dolores Del Rio. This exotic Mexican beauty captured the hearts of the public in her many movie roles. To many of us, though, she will always be the dancer Ynez from the great Jolson movie, "Wonder Bar."

Promising a great show next week, Jolson signed off with "Thank You Father."

Listen to this radio program and watch a Video Podcast with an excerpt of the show illustrated with photos of the stars.

Click this link to listen to
this week's program

     This is an excerpt of the 24 Aug 1935 Shell Chateau starring Al Jolson. Enjoy these segments of the program, featuring Al Jolson introducing the show, and singing two of the songs included in the show, "I Feel A Song Coming On," and "Isn't It A Lovely Day." More of Jolson's singing is in the full presentation of this radio show on the Jolson website, as always. Some unique photos complete the presentation.

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This listing and material Copyright © 1995-2024 Marc I. Leavey, M.D. Baltimore, Maryland
Updated 18 Aug 24