Al Jolson Home Page|His Works|Radio|10 Aug 35 Shell Chateau

Al Jolson's experience with radio began in the dawn of the medium, and continued until the birth of television, and his death. He started the Kraft Music Hall, along with programs for Lifebuoy Soap, Colgate Tooth Powder, and Chevrolet, and died while waiting to go on to Bing Crosby's Chesterfield program. On this page, I will be featuring radio programs for your enjoyment.

From April, 1935, through March, 1936, Al Jolson starred in the Shell Chateau, broadcast on Saturday nights over the NBC Red Network. There were 39 one hour broadcasts, only a few of which survive. Although the sound quality is not the best, the content is first rate Jolson.
Sam Coslow, Victor Young, Al Jolson, Margaret Brayton, Irving Cobb on the Shell Chateau
Sam Coslow, Victor Young, Al Jolson,
Margaret Brayton and Irving Cobb
10 Aug 1935 - Shell Chateau
Sam Coslow, Victor Young, Al Jolson, Irving Cobb
Sam Coslow, Victor Young,
Al Jolson and Irving Cobb
10 Aug 1935 - Shell Chateau
Margaret Brayton, Irving Cobb
Margaret Brayton and Irving Cobb
10 Aug 1935 - Shell Chateau

This Shell Chateau was broadcast originally on August 10, 1935. As with all programs of this series, the fidelity of this program leaves much to be desired. We can just be glad we have the opportunity to listen to Al Jolson on the radio in the mid-1930s. In addition, we are thrilled to have discovered photographs of the broadcast, although they are in less than perfect conditon.

Jolie opened this program with the "Good Evening, Friends" that was his custom at the time. After introducing the guests for the evening, including Sam Coslow, Irvin S. Cobb, Alice Dawn, Margaret Brayton, and Irving Pichel, Jolson displayed some of the strained jokes he hated.

He then opened with a song he had penned some years earlier, and one of his standards throughout his career, "Avalon."

Jolson then introduced songwriter Sam Coslow. Although his name may not ring familiar today, several of his songs, including "Just One More Chance" and "Cocktails For Two," remain popular to this day. Mr. Coslow played a medley of his hits on the piano.

Jack Stanton and Peggy Gardiner, two regular cast members of the show, next joined voices with a rendition of "I'm Falling In Love With Someone." Of course, Jolie has a thing or two to say along the way!

Humorist Irving Cobb appeared next, with his tales of the old south. Told in the style of humor in the 1930s, several of the things he said ring harsh by today's standards, and I would caution you that this recording must be taken in historical context. One thing he said which is a bit off is that it was the 10th anniversary of "The Jazz Singer." The movie was released in 1927, and this program was broadcast in 1935. I presume math was not his forte!

Jolson returned to the stage at this point, to sing the song "You Little Mischief Maker."

Next up is Victor Young and his Orchestra playing "The Song Is You" by Jerome Kern.

Relating her debut at the Coconut Grove just a bit ago, Jolson introduced singer Alice Dawn, who sang "I Feel A Song Coming On" and a few other numbers. Wonder what ever became of her?

Al Jolson then presented Margaret Brayton, whom he felt had had only a few little parts to date, but deserved more. Cautioning that she was nervous, Ms. Brayton acted in a dramatic scene to show her talents.

Saying that he was going to sing a new song, a request number because the author had requested he sing it to make a few bucks, Jolson gave out with "Covered Wagon Days." I hope he made a few!

After the closing Shell commercial, Jolson's sign-off is cut off on this recording. Sorry, folks, but that's how she is!

Listen to this radio program and watch a Video Podcast with an excerpt of the show illustrated with photos of the stars.

Click this link to listen to
this week's program

     This is an excerpt of the 10 Aug 1935 Shell Chateau starring Al Jolson. Although the audio quality of this clip is sub-par, enjoy Al Jolson with jokes and patter, along with two great songs. More of Jolson, another song and more patter, is in the full presentation of this radio show on the Jolson website, as always. A photo of the cast of the show, along with Shell Chateau photos of Jolson perfoming, add to the presentation.

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This listing and material Copyright © 1995-2024 Marc I. Leavey, M.D. Baltimore, Maryland
Updated 04 Aug 24