Al Jolson Home Page|His Works|Jolson Stuff for you

Along with enjoying listening to Jolson recordings and watching Jolson movies, most of us enjoy collecting items related to this passion. Here are several suggestions to help you feed that passion!

Exclusive material for members of the International Al Jolson Society, Inc.

The first item that belongs in any Jolson fan's collection is membership in the International Al Jolson Society, Inc. Along with access to the Society items noted below, full members of the IAJS receive a feature packed Jolson Journal twice yearly. Some of the past Journal covers are displayed below, and you can get a peak at the table of contents of the current issue by checking the Journal Feedback page here on the website. If you are not yet a member, please join; if you are a member, please renew!

Click here for the Membership Page in the International Al Jolson Society

Video Department The Video Department of the IAJS has a wealth of material transferred to DVD in crisp, clear format. Not only are all of his movies available, but there are special features and compilations that are "must haves" for the Jolson enthusiast. Click here to see the latest materials available to members of the International Al Jolson Society, Inc., from the Video Department!

Jolson CDs from IAJS The International Al Jolson Society, Inc. is pleased to announce an extensive collection of Al Jolson on Radio and Recordings, exclusively available to members from the IAJS. Check them out and order yours, today!

Check out these other Jolson items that help support this website

Purchase these Jolson Website Items
Jolson Website Logo Merchandise
Here's your chance to let all your friends and associates know of your love for Al Jolson, and about the greatest website on the World Wide Web, in a unique and fun way. Check out these Jolson Website Logo mugs, hats, and other items, now available for purchase right here!

Al Jolson: Duets Sure you can buy it elsewhere, but why not purchase the wonderful Al Jolson: Duets CD right here from the source? Click Here to see the full listing for the CD, a handy order form, and a link to order online with a credit card!

Jolson CDs for sale Through the decades, I have amassed quite a number of commercial CDs featuring Al Jolson. Due to downsizing, I no longer have the room to store this collection. Rather than give them to a second hand store, where they likely will sit on the shelf for years, I would rather offer them to the Jolson fans who frequent this website. Click to see the current CDs available to purchase.
Please consider using this link for Amazon to look for commercial releases of Jolson music and films. In addition, it would be appreciated if you would use this link to enter Amazon for all of your wants and needs. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, and that helps support this website.

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This listing and material Copyright © 1995-2025 Marc I. Leavey, M.D. Baltimore, Maryland
Updated 04 Apr 24
Updated 11 Mar 25