International Al Jolson Society, Inc.
a 501(c)(3) corporation
Al Jolson - The World's Greatest Entertainer

The World's Greatest Entertainer

This website is dedicated to the man who was known as The World's Greatest Entertainer, a superstar before the word was coined, and whose musical heritage created much of the entertainment industry we know today. With text, photos, music and more, here is the source to learn about Al Jolson, the master showman of American theatre, whose career spanned fifty years of American Music history. If you have never heard Jolson, you are in for a treat, as many of these pages contain excerpts from some of his most popular or memorable songs. Click the button to hear Jolie say:

In support of this country and all that it stands for; for those who have lost loved ones because they were Americans; for our friends from other countries who are with us; and those who stand ready to defend this country; here is Al Jolson with words from the past, that still ring true today!

Check out this new book, Capital Acts, by Stephen Moore. Detailing the show business legacy of the Nation's Capital, he covers a broad spectrum of performers and venues, with a chapter devoted to Al Jolson and his legacy. Click to read a brief review of the book on the Bibliography page of the website, with a link to order the book.

The absence of Al Jolson from current media is obvious, and multifactorial in origin. Here are some actions you can take to improve the situation. Links to various media outlets are given, as well as some ideas to proffer.
Viewed from today's perspective, Al Jolson's use of blackface makeup is problematic, at best. While Al Jolson was clearly not racist, many stamp him with that label. Here is an authoritative look at Al Jolson, blackface and racism.

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Explore and enjoy these five main sections of the website:

Biographical and Personal Information about Al Jolson, his wives and children; Al Jolson's legacy; Quizzes on Jolson; Bibliography of books about Al Jolson
Al Jolson
The Man
Birth, Death, Wives, Children, Biographies
A Multimedia extravaganza of audio and video files of Jolson's works. See and hear the World's Greatest Entertainer!
Al Jolson
His Works
Recordings, Radio, Film, Stage, Jolson swag
Current stage, screen, and broadcast programs featuring Al Jolson and Jolson images
Al Jolson
Sings Again
TV showings, Memorializers
Links to Jolson's friends and related websites
And Links
Babino, Halpern, Lee, Jason, and others
Events, Features, and Application for the International Al Jolson Society
Al Jolson
Festivals, CDs, DVDs, Membership and more

[The Man] [His Works] [Now Showing] [Links] [IAJS]

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Take a little Jolson with you on your travels, or share with a friend, with the Al Jolson Podcast, available on Apple Podcast, YouTube Music, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and others. You can click below to hear the latest episodes on iHeartRadio

featured site area of the week:
Jolson's Famous Footprints
On March 12, 1936, 89 years ago this week, Al Jolson left his impression, in cement, in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Here is some information and a look, in Jolson's own words, at his enduring legacy.

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Official International Al Jolson Society Website

Celebrating 30 Years of Al Jolson on the Internet

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Entire contents of this website copyright © 1995-2025 | Marc I. Leavey, M.D. - Stevenson, Maryland, USA

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. Updated 09 Mar 25 .

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